
Recently, I attended a webinar called Mental Health and the Arts. It was about the positive benefits that creating and exploring art can have on your mental health. This webinar allowed me to reflect more on my personal journey.
I randomly picked up film photography as a hobby. I came up with the idea to create a blog. Last summer I completely remodeled my room. I didn’t realize what I was doing until now. Before I just thought I was doing these things because I wanted to. Now, I realized that I was healing through art.
Film has become a calming hobby for me. I constantly think of new ideas for my blog. When I walk into my room, I feel relaxed, cozy, and safe. It’s my little sanctuary, my safe space. I have been creating a safe space for myself to explore.
I’m laughing right now because my subconscious is funny. I didn’t have a specific reason for naming my blog Janay’s Space when I first created it…..until now.
Welcome to my little sanctuary, my safe space…
Janay’s Space
*Should have been the first blog post, but hey…never too late*